Wireless Policy

SMS/Wireless Agreement for California Title Loans

This agreement pertains to the accounts and/or applications you have initiated with us. Per your application you have agreed to the following SMS terms and conditions:

The following words "we," "our," "ours," and "us" makes reference to us(californiatitleloans.org) and our 3rd part agents and affiliates.. The wording of "you" "yours," and "your" means specifically you. The visitor to this website and/or the person who filled out the online application or is identified by the account on file. Per this wireless agreement and terms of service, "SMS Notification" will mean any text communication(short messaging service) sent by us or our third parties. These text messages or notifications can include monthly payment information, account details, follow up notifications, payment date updates and various marketing information to name a few.

Instructions on updating data/information. It falls upon the applicant/visitor to this website to supply California Title Loans and our 3rd party affiliates with reliable and true information. This information includes data such as your phone number, and other communication device. Please contact us at 855-339-1001 to update or modify your contact information. You can also email us by using the contact form on this site.

We(Californiatitleloans.org) do not assess a charge or fee for this service. However, you the user are liable and responsible for an charges and fees incurred by the use of your wireless device. This also applies to charges issued by the provider of your communication service. Message and data rates may apply. Such charges may include those from your communications service provider. Message frequency depends on user preferences.

Communication or notification through writing. All short messaging service updates and notifications sent electronically will be marked as consideration of "in writing" according what is allowed by current legal standard.

You will agree that CaliforniaTitleLoans.org can send any short messaging service notification. These will be sent through your designated communication provider. You(the visitor or application) agrees to hold California Title Loans harmless from any liability, claims, losses or attorney fees. Examples of this include an applicant providing an incorrect or non viable mobile or wireless number.